Complementary Feeding

At 6 months, your baby is ready for complementary foods, as their need for energy and nutrients start to exceed what is provided in breast milk.  

As you begin feeding solid foods, practice responsive feeding. This includes feeding infants directly, slowly and patiently, while encouraging to eat but not forcing them. Talk to your child and maintain eye contact. 

Use fortified foods or vitamin-mineral supplements as needed. 

Gradually increase food consistency and variety. And increase the number of times that the child is fed: 

  • 6-8 months should be fed 2-3 meals/day 

  • 9-23 months should be fed 3-4 meals/day, with 1-2 snacks as required 

Breastfeeding should be continued until 2 years of age or beyond, and should be increased during your child’s illness. 

 See here for more information.  


Exercise during Pregnancy


Treebark Podcast: COVID-19 and Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders