ASQ Resources for Child Development
Try these fun and easy activities with your child—a great way to have fun together and encourage your child’s healthy development. These activities aim to support personal-social, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and communication skill development.
Try these activities with your 1 to 2-year-old!

To encourage your baby’s first steps, hold your baby in a standing position, facing another person. Have your baby step toward the other person to get a favourite toy or treat.
Play 'pretend' with a stuffed animal or doll. Show and tell your baby what the doll is doing (walking, going to bed, eating). See if your baby will make the doll move and do things as you request. Take turns!
Let your child draw a picture for you with a crayon and a large piece of paper. Give them plenty of room. They may only make a few marks but give a lot of praise: “Look at the picture you made!” Be sure to put the crayon away when you are finished. Your baby does not yet know that you only want marks on the paper.
Your baby can “help” you while you are making dinner. Have a drawer or cupboard that is full of safe kitchen items, such as measuring cups and big spoons, that they can empty.
When you climb stairs, let your toddler hold on to only one of your fingers. You may have to slow down but let them climb the stairs with little support or all by themselves. Show them the stair rail and encourage them to hold it for support. When your child climbs all by themselves, give them a big hug!