Here we post updates on our findings and other developments on how COVID-19 affects your pregnancy and your child’s development to better your experience.
Twitter Updates
See our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to learn more about the Pregnancy during the Pandemic Study.https://t.co/nl6JD8G7ML
— Pregnancy During The COVID-19 Pandemic Study (@PregnancyStudy) March 4, 2021
Featured Updates

Gift Card Draw Winners
Participants who completed surveys between December 2020 and February 2021 were automatically entered into a draw for five $100 gift cards. The winners of the gift card draw have now been contacted by email. Congratulations to the winners!
We hope to be able to continue to offer some small tokens of appreciation as we move forward with the study.

Map of Study Participants
Thank you to everyone who has participated in our study so far! This map shows where our study participants are located across Canada!

Thank you to all those who have participated!
On the first day of the study over 500 people signed up to be part of our Canada-wide study of mental health and life changes in pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to all the participants so far! We are continuing to recruit for this study.