Here we post updates on our findings and other developments on how COVID-19 affects your pregnancy and your child’s development to better your experience.
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— Pregnancy During The COVID-19 Pandemic Study (@PregnancyStudy) March 4, 2021
Featured Updates

COVID-19 Vaccine and Pregnancy
As of March 12, 2021, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should be offered vaccination at any time if they are eligible.
Please note that the Pregnancy during the Pandemic Study is in no way involved with vaccine distribution and cannot provide specific information on getting access to a vaccine in your area or if it is right for you. Please contact your physician to determine if you should be vaccinated and how to access an appointment.

AHS COVID-19 Podcast: Labour and Delivery during the Pandemic
On Alberta Health Services’ COVID-19 Podcast episode, Dr. Colin Birch answers questions on pregnancy during the pandemic.

AHS: COVID-19 and Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, and Breastfeeding
With increased restriction measures introduced by our government, worry about COVID-19 is rising. To ease your worries, here are some health facts about pregnancy during this pandemic.

Flu vs. COVID-19: similarities and differences?
Flu season is approaching and some of us may be wondering about the differences between influenza and COVID-19.

Resource for expecting mothers: SmartMom
SmartMom sends tailored text-messages with tips, helpful advice, links to resources and more for expecting mothers. Sign up to receive text-messages three times a week!