Here we post updates on our findings and other developments on how COVID-19 affects your pregnancy and your child’s development to better your experience.
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See our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to learn more about the Pregnancy during the Pandemic Study.https://t.co/nl6JD8G7ML
— Pregnancy During The COVID-19 Pandemic Study (@PregnancyStudy) March 4, 2021
Featured Updates
Capital Current: Turning to TikTok: Parents of pandemic babies are finding creative ways to cope with the isolation
Our study was featured in a story from Capital Current, the flagship online publication of Carleton University’s journalism program. Dr. Anna MacKinnon from our study team, shared the results of our study, as well as some helpful tips for parents and pregnant individuals during the pandemic.
COVID Community: Keeping your kids healthy and happy during the pandemic
COVID Community is a free webinar on keeping your kids healthy and happy during the pandemic including topics on mental health, pregnancy & vaccines.
Dr. Catherine Lebel will be presenting at the webinar on the long-term effects of prenatal stress during a pandemic. Register to attend on February 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM MST.
CTV News: Calls for help, anxiety and depression increased by pandemic
Dr. Lebel spoke with CTV News about our study and the increase in rates of anxiety and depression in women who were pregnant or gave birth in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on mental health, and pregnant individuals are one of the groups that were hardest-hit. These symptoms are particularly concerning because they can compromise people’s ability to deal with life and have potentially long-lasting consequences.
AHS COVID-19 Podcast: Labour and Delivery during the Pandemic
On Alberta Health Services’ COVID-19 Podcast episode, Dr. Colin Birch answers questions on pregnancy during the pandemic.
AHS: COVID-19 and Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, and Breastfeeding
With increased restriction measures introduced by our government, worry about COVID-19 is rising. To ease your worries, here are some health facts about pregnancy during this pandemic.
Today’s Parent: stress and isolation during the pandemic
The Pregnancy During the Pandemic study was featured in an article from Today’s Parent on stress and isolation for new moms during the pandemic.
The article also features seven tips for moms to feel less isolated during the pandemic.